Dream to Dream

This page is devoted to a dialogue carried out through the medium of dreams. Dreams can be shared here, along with responses that take the form of other dreams, related images, associations, and/or poetry. In responding associatively, you might want to offer visual images, sounds, or music that could be embedded in your post or accessed through hyperlinks. Please do not submit interpretations or analyses of dreams.

When you send in a dream, give it a title and indicate the (approximate) date you had it, along with your name or initials, unless you wish to remain anonymous.* If you are responding to a dream that has already been posted, identify it by title.

Post your dreams and responses to:


(*If you decide to post website material anonymously, please identify yourself in your initial e-mail. Your anonymity will be preserved in publishing the material.)

Earth Chant (John Dotson’s dream of October 10, 2022)

High energy circuitries, a highly charged gathering…At some point, I call out to someone, or to all in the whole situation—                      You stunned me!                                         I be […]

Kleinian Circuit (John Dotson’s dream of June 16th, 2022)

Standard classroom setting—say, UCSC Cupertino-like, etc.  I am standing at the front of the room—at the conclusion of a class-session or a whole course—with a few lingering participants. All males. Of my age. Silicon Valley-types. We’ve had a good experience in class. Our journey is complete. Two or three are having their own conversation on […]

Cosmic Birth Howl (John Dotson’s dream of April 30, 2021)

I am at a conference center, a former retreat house, an old monastery, even older as a hunting lodge. Massive design and construction. A structure of inestimable density, consistency. I realize that the secret I hold is insane. I am certain that I do not hold this secret alone. That there are others moving invisibly […]

Fullness (John Dotson’s dream of April 23, 2021)

I am on a very large ferry, a European style river ferry. Crushing the waves northward on a very powerful all powerfully fully full river. I seem to be among the few on deck, meaning, I am feeling fairly well on my own, in my own way, my own will. And that handrail is not so […]

The Master Craftsman and the Mogul (Brendan’s two dreams of late September, 2020)

September 26, 2020: “Only the ‘Master Craftsman’ Can Fix Things” People are dancing either bare-footed or in their stockings.  It is on a large dance floor of old dark wood. The lighting flickers, and so maybe there are torches or candle or gas lights on the surrounding walls.  The colors of the dancer’s outfits are mostly […]

Switching Perspectives (Brendan’s dream of September 17, 2020)

It is nighttime, and I am dressed in something similar to a hazmat suit—maybe not as extreme?  I am waiting my chance to sneak into what looks like an industrial plant or some ‘facility.’  My point of entry will be a wide gate situated alongside a railroad track which runs parallel to the gate both inside and […]

The Cinema of Alchemy (John Dotson’s dream of August 13, 2020)

The dream unfolds as a cinematic event, the dream action being filmed. In an extended sequence of dramatic complication, the goal appears to be a hidden treasure, and all the action is thus focused upon it. Now in close-ups of a niche in a stone wall, a box is discovered resting on a ledge. The […]

The Essence of Light (John Dotson’s dream of July 31, 2020)

Night of dream travels. Dreampaths to places and environments, known and unknown, with unexpected persons known from the past showing up with unknown persons for dramatic episodes. Not at all surreal but very realistic…the dream-happenings are completely coherent, specifically in the speech patterns and spontaneous dialogue. In continuation of which, in a final sequence, I find […]

Crystallizing the Soul (John Dotson’s dream of July 18th, 2020)

I am at a church gathering of some sort.  A young charismatic speaker/preacher declaims something about “calling out your soul…” I do not trust him at all and don’t think he knows what he is talking about. An unfashionably overdressed (impeccably Edwardian) stranger appears and stands up, pronouncing distinctly, “This is not a true Trieste!”* I am […]

Visions in a Foggy Mirror (Brendan’s dream of January 31, 2020)

I have been waiting for what seems “too long.”  My friend has been sitting in a straight back chair to my right and behind me while I stand at a window looking out across a narrow valley.  The creek, while not looking at all menacing from where I stand, is being blamed for blocking our […]