Hamlet and the Sofas (T.E.K.)
To be or not to be — or, in fact, how to be, is one of the most important questions in these our times — since we no doubt, even to our big surprise, find ourselves in this new net world, with a speed, flow and wave force that is impossible to foresee and control.
I have been on the solid ground, I have been reading books, writing letters, looking at movies, making both television and radio…and what not. And now — I am on the net. Yes, I am surprised. If I have any intention of keeping myself alive and vibrant in this given life comportment, I have to meet the new challenge somehow.
Is the word authenticity existing also in this net-realm? Is a Kierkegaardian adverbiality existing here as a vital choice, for me to grab with conviction. I do easily swing into a Hamlet mode when thinking about this. Keeping to Kierkegaard and to his distinction of objective and subjective thinking — where do I find myself when on the net? Geography has vanished. Do I find my subjective strength up here, in this enmeshment. Can I truthfully find my essential activity, my ergon in this porridge?
I can imagine I can caterpillar out a little, very small, tiny section, where I situate myself like in a cybernet sofa, keeping the BIG NET out. In this sofa I will share with a few friend my thoughts, hopes, my fears…in the direction towards the aspiration of being whole and real.
But if the whole world is my sofa – as is the technological fact of the net — then, where am I?
Can I be both in this expansively big sofa — and in the little one — simultaneously?
Or maybe I find myself hanging in between. Hamlet — once again…this time by technological force.
Steven — do you have any ambulances for this existential question?