The Master Craftsman and the Mogul (Brendan’s two dreams of late September, 2020)
People are dancing either bare-footed or in their stockings. It is on a large dance floor of old dark wood. The lighting flickers, and so maybe there are torches or candle or gas lights on the surrounding walls. The colors of the dancer’s outfits are mostly deep shades of red or green, and the style is ‘well to do peasants’ with long skirts for the women and pleated legged trousers for the men. I do not remember hearing the music, but I heard several people complaining of encountering sharp places or splinters on the dance floor. More and more dancers began to complain until finally the dancing halted and there was a general discussion of the problematic sharp protrusions. Then the perspective shifts to viewing all this as if on a screen, and there in the lower right-center of the screen is seen a ‘master craftsman’ and two or three of his aides sitting on the floor around a small very dark protuberance. He tells his apprentices that, in reality, this is the one and only problem, and that the dancers are mistaken about there being these sharp pricks all over the floor. He says that this is not a problem at all, and that he will sand it right down solving everyone’s complaint.
September 27, 2020: “The ‘Mogul’ Can Solve All Our Problems”
The following night I dream of many office workers in a large room. The desks, filing cabinets, and flat-topped office equipment are practically covered with small pieces of paper approximately the size of a dollar bill. The office crowd is milling and circulating around, first picking up one of these bills and then putting it back down then moving on to keep inspecting more and more of these slips of paper. A fair description of the sentiment expressed by the multitude is, “Well, we are all screwed.” Now seeming to view the same scene on a screen, there in the lower right-center portion of the screen sits an important gentleman (he appears ‘important’ probably because he is dressed in wool and silk rather than cotton and displays other signs of affluence such as expensive personal accessories). He is surrounded by three or four of his yes-men who are dressed and blinged in a style appropriate to middle management. The mogul says that there is really no problem and that he is writing out an entirely new ‘receipt’ which will make everything good and normal once again.