Alpha and Omega (John Dotson’s dream of August 1, 2019)

A long and involved scenario…

Am at a gathering for special purposes. I have had a key coordinating role, but now am being taken up in the flowing with all. I am not in charge. There are many hands around me.

I am aware of a particular movement, that this is ceremony—very highly charged and elaborate. Much is going on with many. Increasingly aware I am being led along. There is a strong structure, but it is not disclosed to me completely.  A circle of powerfully adept females, younger and older, are gently guiding me about. Yet I am also finding my own way.

In the swirling energies, a specific intentionality congeals and clarifies. There is a centering of my body and being. I am fed a cookie that I intuit to be psychotropic. This is not surprising. I have no doubts, and I have another half-cookie.

I slowly become aware of the altering of my awareness in ways that are deeply affecting if not totally surprising. At one point, a veil is presented. I am to place myself under it. The impulse/instruction is to remove my shoes and all my clothes. I gradually achieve this but nakedness is only preparatory to my task.

I call out for some art materials to work with. There are generous resources. Paper and pastels are slid under the edge of the veil. I am aware that there is some expectancy that I will produce something of interest and value to the others—while the energies/activities continue to intensify all around everywhere.

On the paper I begin to draw in purple a large vector—an acute crook. This is Alpha. When it is clearly marked, I call out for an orange color. When it is slipped to me, I know I have to draw an Omega. I feel this might be, as has so often been the case, interlocking with A. But the acute crook is large, elemental, not a formal A. The Omega I feel is to be precisely drawn at the center of the design.

As I am drawing, I call out, trying to pronounce what I have found, what I am working with, but I am barely able to form words. I am able to say “It… is… Alpha…” and my thought is “and… Omega…” but I cannot say the whole thought.