The Moebius Seed1985


This novel of ideas revolves around a crucial choice — transformation or extinction. The action unfolds in two parallel worlds: the private world of individuals struggling to discover who they are in the face of their encounters with the paranormal, and the world of international intrigue and nuclear paranoia where humanity is edging close the brink of destruction. These two worlds meet when we discover the real identity of a mysterious psychology professor who is writing about the planetary crisis, and about the transformative potential of a global computer conference. (See Invitation to Proprioceptive Dialogue and My Academic Odyssey.)

The Moebius Seed firsts draws us in on its own terms–interesting, fascinating, hard to put down, full of a sense of déjà vu. We know it is true–or at least, truer than true. We then begin to be aware that something is going on around us, then gradually what it is. As you finish the book, you become aware that you have changed, grown, are different, have a new way of being in the world.”

–Dr. Lawrence LeShan, author of The Medium, the Mystic, and the Physicist

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