Technical Note
There are many scholarly notes in the chapters of this book. It is customary in e-books to link a word, phrase, or passage in the text to its associated endnote via a hyperlink: you click on the highlighted superscript and are brought to the endnote. But in this multimedia e-book, there are numerous highlighted terms that link to dreams, images, sounds, videos, and the like. Since also having highlighted links to scholarly technical material could prove distracting, I have decided to dispense with them. The material is available, however, and can be accessed efficiently by performing a simple electronic search: just copy into the “find” box the in-text superscript you want to follow and it will bring you to the corresponding endnote. In order to expedite the process, I have enclosed superscript numbers in square brackets to distinguish them from occurrences of those numbers that might appear elsewhere in the body of the text. This will enable a one-step transition from superscript to associated endnote.