Dream within a Dream (John Dotson’s dream of March 11, 2010)
The situation is that I am preparing to set out on a journey, and/or continue one. Some intricate planning, packing has been involved. A van is ready. Not traveling alone. One complete scene where unexpected companions arise [arrive?]–raising some psychological complexities that I don’t want to deal with; I am terse with one fellow about his behavior, and stunned at my directness suggesting that he not stay in the van and not come along.
At one point in the departure sequence, I find myself with an interlude at the home of my good friend. I am enjoying a rest period. I fall asleep and I begin to dream. The dream sequence is clear and captivating–some sort of ordeal, an arduous labor. In some of the action, I accompany an animal; in fact, I am supporting the animal in accomplishing a task. The animal is leading the way. And then I wake up and immediately want to tell this dream to my friend prior to my departure. As I am making my way to him, where he sits under the awning of a carport at the back of his house, a large animal–like a dog, large as a small horse, but not a dog or a horse–comes up and nuzzles next to my ear. I am amazed because this is a recapitulation of an event that occurred in the dream. Suddenly I am aware that I am living out some of the various patterns and connections that I had just dreamed.
I am pulled onward, however, and must return to a few final responsibilities at work. So I am drawn out of the telling of the dream onward to attend to a final work task.