Dream Resonances (John Dotson’s comments on dreams posted to date)
Later thoughts:
In the particulars and universals (whatever they may be) of the dreams we are sharing, I feel full resonances with Steven’s comment (in “Practicing PD“) about:
“…. going proprioceptively backward into myself, back into that hollow place at the center of my being . . . disclosing — to myself and to you — the thinking and feeling and sensing process that . . . should allow us to ‘see behind the scenes,’ to read the subtext of our discourse, to make transparent underlying motives and hidden agendas …. suspended in that hollow place, that ever-changing, open-ended field of process and flux where the questions far outnumber the answers.”
The particulars (in my prioprioception) of the “Copper Woman” dream are acutely painful, difficult to bear, excruciating. Not sure I can “open up” about them. Still, I feel the universals in the “hollow place,” the “dynamic–sometimes formless and chaotic–substrate.” Such is very graphic in the “Copper Woman” dream, as well as in Steven’s retro-posted dream, and in other posted dreamtexts as well.