Rear-View Mirror (Lisa Maroski’s dream of April 7, 2015)

I was getting a lift on this guy’s bicycle. I sat in front, facing back. He pedals forward, but I am facing backward. At first it seemed to just be about getting a ride somewhere, but then he took a cover off of a box. It had a mirror in it so that I could see what was in front, but somehow it was your past (I’m still riding facing backwards but seeing what’s behind my back, ie, in front.) On the mirror was E11.00, which I assumed to be the price of 11 Euros. At one point, he stopped and told me to turn around and take a look. I think I heard a song playing “in the background.” It was something like “What Child Is This?” I was supposed to recognize the place, but I don’t think I did. (There had been other places I recognized while facing backwards and looking in the mirror.) It looked like we were in a park.