Rocky Mountain High (John Dotson’s dream of October 15, 2019)
Climbing in the beloved high country of Colorado, among huge boulders. I realize happily that I am at a very high altitude, near a summit, near enough, and that feels good, exhilarating. Great beauty all around. But it also dawns on me that in this location there are no established trail-markings, no trail-signs with which I am now or am likely to find familiar. There is only the naked flesh of the rock, the nearby sky, my body among all the invisibly living beings at all scales of magnitude in all dimensions. I do not feel fear, however. I can be still enough. It is not necessary to remember how I got here, and it is not possible, or necessary, to know what happens next. Everything that is happening is happening. I feel confident about where I am as much as I have no idea where I am. I accept my place in a larger story, a greater unfolding. I trust the process. More action soon—here and there, now.