Integral Orchestrations (John Dotson’s dream of October 14, 2012)

I am at the school and am fully engaged. I have full access to the facilities, the Science Building. I feel the wholeness of all my endeavors. I’m working with a variety of events and happenings: classes, labs, convergences, groups. There are not too many people all together, but many activities. I am racing around, serving all my roles, playing many functions, not identifying in particular with any one.

At one moment, I am with Her. We are living the fullness of our transformative psychic adventure: openly, visibly and invisibly, completely seen and unseen, unseeable even, in our extraordinary proximity and profound intimacy.

I continue working, attending, administering, observing – coordinating inside and outside. I’m moving everything at the same time to the amazement of all, but I know the centers of gravity and know my tasks well. (Very large apparatuses appear on an outdoor field.)

Then I return at close of day to the Science Building. I feel the deep mystique of shadows, labs abandoned in process, old lab equipment no longer used or catalogued. I feel some deep numinosum midst all the wild mysteries and feel my solitude and peculiar freedom amidst this setting of experimentation, exploration, and silences.

I awake to feeling Her, Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinans. Accepting my non-orientability, I feel a need and possibility for greater, stranger resolve.